
The Great Practices Podcast

Our Podcast Library brings so many great shows to our community.  We are now producing our very own podcast, Great Practices.  The show is hosted by community members and features community members sharing what they have learned during their careers.   

The Great Practices Podcast from The PMO Leader

It’s hard to say when something is a “Best Practice”.  It’s much easier to know when something is a “Great Practice” and that’s what this Podcast is all about. Interviews with PMO and Project Management Leaders, who, through years of trial and error, have discovered their own Great Practices and are now sharing their insights with you!


Ep. 33 - How to Rescue Troubled Projects with Melvin Phan

March 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Melvin Phan, the Founder and CEO of JJPH – a Program and Project Management Service Company in Sydney, Australia. Listen in as Melvin talks about how to recover distressed projects. Learn some of the signs and symptoms of projects that are in trouble…before it’s too late. And, if it is too late, you’ll also discover how to get projects back on track by creating quick wins and rebuilding trust.

Plus, find out what canaries and coalmines have to do with troubled projects, as well as a harrowing story of how Melvin and his family ended up in Australia from Vietnam.   

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Ep. 32 - It’s PMO Storytelling Time with Neha Shingane

February 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Neha Shingane, a Social Impact consultant who is passionate about inclusion and storytelling. Today, we’re going to focus on the storytelling side of things and how this can be applied in a PMO and Project Management environment. We’ll find out what a story is, and what it’s not, and why it’s more important than ever to be able to tell stories effectively. Neha also discusses different scenarios where stories can be used, the steps necessary to put an effective story together and what traps to avoid.

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Ep. 31 - Navigating Through Change with Mark Wyssbrod

January 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Mark Wyssbrod, CPA turned principal NetSuite Consultant about the symptoms, challenges, and successes of making a change if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Learn the startling statistics of how many people like (or don’t like) their jobs, an equation of professional happiness he’s calculated out over the years, and why you’ll never be starting from scratch if you decide to do something new. Plus, find out what the entrepreneurial spirit has to do with navigating change and transition and how choosing between red and blue will produce…green.

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Ep. 30 - Rich Maltzman and Jim Stewart - Great Meetings Build Great Teams

December 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Rich Maltzman and Jim Stewart, co-authors of the book Great Meetings Build Great Teams. We’ll discuss why meetings are such an important part of building a strong project team, the benefits of doing them well and the consequences of doing them poorly. You’ll also find out what Kano Design Theory (very interesting, by the way) has to do with people expecting more and more out of your meetings and what you can make sure to deliver.

Plus, find out what it means to be “large and in charge” and understand what poor driving habits have to do with understanding bad behaviors in meetings.

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Ep. 29 - How to Build a Strong Team Culture with Colleen Romero

November 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Colleen Romero, Vice President of Marketing and eCommerce at Healthway. Listen in as Colleen discusses what culture is and the signs to look for if your project teams have a culture that is healthy or toxic. We discuss steps you can take to fix a toxic environment, and better yet, how you can prevent a toxic environment from happening in the first place. Hint: it’s something you do before you even hire someone.


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Ep. 28 - Know. Like. Trust. and Value Your Team with Paul Terlemezian

October 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Paul Terlemezian, Founder of Georgia Learns Now, LLC and a business consultant that identifies and solves real problems that plague businesses today. Listen in as Paul discusses the challenges of project teams working together (especially when their members have different opinions), his slingshot theory on how to accelerate project team growth, why it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission when implementing this approach, and the importance of being a good listener, and learner.Plus, this is kind of like listening to an episode of Myth Busters as Jerry uncovers and debunks 3 common myths about hiring disabled people.

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Ep. 27 - Expanding Your Talent Pool with Jerry Sutton

September 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Jerry Sutton, Director of Learning & Organizational Development at Bobby Dodd Institute about ways you can expand your talent pool. Find out how the Bobby Dodd Institute certification program has allowed disabled people to find employment in the technical Industry, how businesses and employees have benefited and where you can find local resources where you live.

Plus, this is kind of like listening to an episode of Myth Busters as Jerry uncovers and debunks 3 common myths about hiring disabled people.

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Ep. 26 - Fast Tracking the Project Approval Process with Jen Gordon

August 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Jen Gordon, a User Design and User Journey expert about how to get the necessary approvals on your projects to keep things moving forward. Find out the challenges that come with receiving approvals in highly regulated industries and how understanding people, process, and technology will make the experience easier for everybody.

Plus, you’ll find out why there’s no shortcuts to building good ol’ relationships, and why writing a ransom note every now and then may be a good thing.

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E25 - The Challenges of Construction Project Management with Jerad Martin 

July 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Jerad Martin, Owner of PDC Homebuyers. Find out how this business owner / construction project manager is able to balance resources with project workload, has learned the importance of saying no, and one great practice on how he vets out people that work for him.

Plus, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear that there is such a thing as a free lunch if you work for Jerad, and find out how viewing yourself as an orchestra conductor will keep everyone on the same sheet of music.

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E24 - Is AI Going to Take Your Project Management Job with Dan Huber 

June 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of great practices. I'm talking with Dan Huber, an experienced practice manager with a history of working in the software industry for decades. Listen in as Dan talks about his recent passion, artificial intelligence. You'll get a better understanding of what AI is that you've probably been using it longer than you think. The pros and cons of AI and what you can do now as a project manager to use this new and exciting tool.

Plus, we'll discuss the age-old question is technology going to take my project management job and why AI has a bit further to go before it starts knocking on your office door.

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E23 - Optimizing PMO Alignment with Tim Sweet 

May 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Tim Sweet, Founder and Principal of Team Work Excellence (TWE). Tim is a leadership advisor with over 25 years of experience in operations management, process improvement, business process reengineering, and risk reduction. Listen in to this episode as Tim talks about the importance of alignment, walks us through his 6-Point-Framework for Team Effectiveness, and shares insights into how to keep your team on the same page.

Plus, you’ll find out why you don’t want to just be a baton-tosser when it comes to project work, and learn a new word for risk (spoiler alert: the word is FEAR – which is exactly how we should feel unless we have a good plan in place – which Tim can help you do!)

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E22 - How to Manage Complex Projects with Tom Clement 

April 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Tom Clement, Global VP of Sales at OpenText with over 25 years of experience in selling and delivering technical projects. Listen in to this episode as Tom discusses the what and why of technology project investments, the best time for a project manager to be  assigned to a project, the top 3 challenges (and solutions) he has seen when it comes to managing large enterprise-wide projects, and the reason why (and solutions again) customer and vendor project managers may undermine each other’s work. 

Plus, you’ll hear a couple of war stories about major surprises on projects and Tom’s inspirational words about leadership that were so inspirational, he even inspired himself! 

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E21 Understanding Different Development Methodologies with Troy Robinson

March 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Troy Robinson, Sr. Director of Engineering with over 25 years of experience in software development. Listen in to this episode as Troy discusses the difference between Waterfall and Agile development methods, how the Scaled Agile Framework (or SAFE) fits into these models, and what PMOs and Project Managers can do to help, or hurt, projects they manage in either of these methodologies.

Plus, you’ll find out why “It Depends” is an answer you’ll need to get used to when it comes to picking the best methodology, and ultimately what all successful projects are built upon.

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E20 - Project Management - The Georgia Tech Way

February 15, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Chris Carter, Chief Engineer and Executive GM at Toyota North America by day and Academic Program Director at Georgia Tech by night. Listen in to this episode as Chris discusses the history of the Project Management Certificate Program at Georgia Tech, how it’s been recently revamped to include experiential learning with modular design (don’t worry, he’ll make this easy to understand), who the program is perfect for and where you can find more information.

Plus, find out what chicken nuggets and dipping sauce have to do with teaching project management.

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E19 - A Framework for PMO Leader Training with Dr. Michael Woodard

January 16, 2023

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Dr. Michael Woodard, Learning & Talent Development Thought Leader, Adjunct Professor at William Woods University, Author, Speaker, and an all-around nice guy. Listen in to this episode to get Dr. Mike’s take on why training is so important for PMO Leaders, a framework you can follow to make sure your project managers know what they are doing, and three training traps to avoid.  

Plus, find out why it’s so important to lead with inquiry and how adopting this one behavior can make a big difference in your PMO journey. 

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E18 “Does Your Project Taste Good?” with PMO Joe 

December 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Joe Pusz, Founder of The PMO Squad and The PMO Leader. Listen in to this episode to get PMO Joe’s assessment of the current state of PMOs (you’re going to be shocked by the dismal statistics), why PMOs are in such a bad state, and what you can do as a PMO Leader to make 2023 a Transformative year instead of just a Transitional year. 

Plus, find out why Joe thinks PMO should stand for Pizza Management Office and why everyone should be asking how their projects taste! 

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E17 A Recruiter’s Perspective on How to Find a New Position with Anna Morgan

November 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Anna Morgan, recruiter by day and job search strategist by night. Listen in to this episode to get a recruiters view of the PMO and Project Management job prospects, what you can do to find a new position e (hint, it starts way before putting your resume together), what you should never do when looking for a job, and how to make the most of phone and virtual interviews. You’ll also learn the relationship between your LinkedIn profile and your resume and that it’s got to be more than just copy / paste. Plus, find out how Anna came up with #careerbff tag and learn how she became a rescuer of both dogs and careers!

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E16 How to Further Your PMO Career by Using a Coach with Eric Jones

October 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Eric Jones, owner of Coffee Cup Coaching, a coaching firm that helps people to pursue their passions, live their potential, and stop struggling in life and careers. Listen in to find out the difference between a coach and a mentor and signs that you may need a coach. Plus, you’ll learn the best way to find a coach as well as the positive qualities you’ll want to make sure they have as well as the negative qualities you’ll want to make sure to avoid. 

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E15 Managing Projects Successfully Across 19 Different Countries with Mark Burnett

September 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Mark Burnett, owner of ECONO-Project EX, a firm that helps deliver complex projects with confidence. Hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, listen is as this son of the Caribbean talks about the challenges of delivering projects across 19 countries! We discuss why all projects should be given the proper respect, how standardization is the key to successful project delivery, and how Mark gets up to speed in new situations quickly.

Plus, you’ll find out which islands are the easiest and which ones are most challenging when it comes to project delivery.

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E14 How to Project Manage Creative People and Processes with Amanda Sutt  

August 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Amanda Sutt, CEO and Creative Director of the Branding and Marketing Firm called Rock Paper Scissors. Listen in as we discuss how to manage projects and creative people when things aren’t always black and white, learn her secret to increasing the capacity of her team by up to 50%, and how putting just the right frameworks in place unleash her team’s creativity. 

Plus, discover what a secret staircase in the back of her house has to do with their company name and why the name of her team on Trivia Night is “I’ll Know It When I See It”! 

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E13 Making Your Employee’s Experience Better as a PMO Leader with Janet Thomas 

July 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, I’m talking with Janet Thomas, VP of Human Resources at Mueller Water Products about what makes for a great Employee Experience. Listen in as we discuss the effect rampant turnover has on managers and teams, understanding regrettable vs. non-regrettable turnover, and some questions to ask during a “Stay Interview” to make sure you are retaining top talent.  

Plus, find out how to use the Skill or Will test to troubleshoot issues with employees who may have previously been top performers. 

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E12 Developing Talent Within Your PMO with Troy Felder 

June 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, listen in as Troy Felder, Regional Senior HR Business Partner for McKesson, provides a great definition of Talent Development, discusses the 3 Es of how people grow, explains how to keep your PMO team aligned on the Talent Development journey, and a couple of Talent Development traps and pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. Plus, find out if you deserve to be in the “frequent traveler” line when it comes to your PMO career!

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E11 How to Communicate with Executives featuring Rob Milstead 

May 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, listen in as well-versed IT Leader Rob Milstead talks about how much time you should spend preparing for meetings with Executives, a framework that will make every meeting effective, as well as how a small shift in attitude will move your PMO from a group of task administrators to a group of value deliverers.

Plus, see how close Rob gets to an interpretive dance before we realized it was an audio podcast!

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E10 Friend or Foe? A salesperson’s View of a PMO with Sal DeMarco 

April 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episdoe of Great Practices, find out what the typical day of a salesperson looks like, the best time for a project manager to get involved in a project, what project managers do that help (or hurt) a deal, and discover the secret to creating a great working relationship with customers and salespeople alike. 

Plus, listen in as our guest Sal DeMarco attempts to hijack the podcast and make it his own! 

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E09 Ch-ch-ch-Changes and How to Manage Them with Your PMO with Larry Mohl

March 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, we’ll be talking with Larry Mohl, Founder and Chief Transformation Officer of Rali, a company that helps shift mindsets and behaviors around initiatives that matter. Since your PMO manages initiatives that matter, tune in to find out the 4 Change Ability factors that should be included in your projects, how to transition Change Management from an individual sport to a team sport, as well as learn a very succinct definition of what a PMO does.

Plus, you’ll find out what you can do to avoid the valley of despair and stay away from the dreaded “spray and pray” approach of change management.

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E08 Getting a New Outlook on Email Management for Your PMO with Debbie Kirtland

February 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, we’ll learn about some of the Worst Practices people have done over the years when it comes to managing their email. Warning: You may be guilty of one or two yourself!  We’ll uncover the four fundamentals of good email management including;

  1. Having an Easy to Understand Filing System
  2. Utilizing a Good Process
  3. Using Tasks (and not Your Inbox) to Manage your Day and
  4. Understanding the Email Tools You’ve Been Given  

Plus, we’ll learn what Parades, Big Bird, and Sesame Street have to do with getting control of your email! 

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E07 Is Your PMO Sitting at the Adult Table with Paul Williams

January 15, 2022

Hosted by Chris Kopp

Is your PMO stuck in the 90s? It may be if all you do is provide Templates and Processes and focus exclusively on IT projects. In this episode of Great Practices, Paul Williams will be discussing the Next Generation PMO that gets you a seat at the adult table. You will learn how to set up a Strategic Planning Team that works on projects beyond IT, what to include (and not include) on the Monthly Agenda, what KPIs really matter, and the best time to assign a Project Manager to a new project.

So, slide over Grandma…the Next Generation PMO is grabbing that seat right next to you!

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E06 4 Steps to Define Service Offerings for Your PMO with Bill Dow 

December 15, 2021

Hosted by Chris Kopp

In this episode of Great Practices, we’ll learn about a 4-step process to determine the services your  PMO will offer, talk about the different types of PMOs, how to map people to the various roles needed to make a PMO successful, as well as get the word out that your PMO is open for business. 

Plus, we’ll find out a way to extend the shelf-life of a PMO so it doesn’t begin to stink after 2-3 years! 

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E05 Keeping Your Virtual Meetings Real with Henry Liebling

November 15, 2021

Hosted by Chris Kopp

Virtual Meetings are here to stay, and that’s not a bad thing if they’re done in the right way. Henry Liebling, owner of and author of the book “Skills Training for Online Virtual Meetings: How to Achieve Virtual Meeting Effectiveness” discusses what you can do before, during, and after your virtual meetings, the roles needed to make a meeting successful, and a process for converting real world meetings into digital sessions. Hint: You can convert just about everything except for the coffee and donuts. 

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E04 Focus on Peoples Strengths with Ruth Pearce

October 15, 2021

Hosted by Chris Kopp

Are employee’s weaknesses the best place to spend your time as a project manager? Ruth Pearce doesn’t think so. Listen in as Ruth Pearce, owner of Alle, LLC and author of the book “Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths Based Project Management” discusses why it’s better to build on strengths rather than focus on weaknesses, what can be done to shore up any weaknesses that may crop up, and how to transform your PMO from an ‘obstacle to everything” to a “solution for everything”. 

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E03 Keep Your PMO Engine Running Smoothly Using Great Information with Bryan Garner

September 15, 2021

Hosted by Chris Kopp

Does everyone come to you with every-single-little-question about your projects? Find out what you may be doing to encourage this bad habit as Bryan Garner, Director of Content Strategy with White Deer Group, discusses how the PMO is a content practice. You’ll learn the challenges associated with PMO content, the Rule of Thirds when it comes to managing Content deliverables, and ways you can combat accuracy erosion.

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E02  Setting up a PMO with Mike Frenette

August 15, 2021

Hosted by Jhansi Vijayarajan

Where do you begin when it comes to starting a PMO? Well, you can start with this episode! Listen in as Mike Frenette, head of the IT PMO at a water utility based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, discusses how they created their PMO from ground up. You’ll learn some great practices including understanding the culture of your company, tools to use, the portfolio selection process, communicating with executives, and resource management. 

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E01 Dashboards and Reports with Joe Sisto

July 15, 2021

Hosted by Chris Kopp

The debate is as old as “Microsoft or Apple” and “Coke or Pepsi”. What’s better? Reports or Dashboards? Listen in as Joe Sisto, PMO Director of Randstad North America extols the virtues of one and questions the value of the other.

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Chris Kopp - Great Practices Host


Chris is a serial intrapreneur who loves teaching how to think and act like a business owner and not like an employee… even if that’s what you are. His experience ranges from working for small startups to Fortune 500 companies and all points in between. He will be uncovering frameworks, templates, tools, and other great practices our guests have developed through years of trial and error. These Great Practices will allow you to work “on” your PMO and not “in” your PMO and bring real value to your business partners.

Connect with Chris.


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