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The PMO Leader Blog

One Way to Take Some Heat Off Your Project chris kopp pmo project management stakeholder management Mar 14, 2021

I remember taking a shuttle from an off-site parking lot close to the Atlanta airport. It was nearly 100 degrees and extremely humid, so I was looking forward to the doors of the bus swooshing open...

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9 tips for a rock-star project management office jan schiller pmo Mar 10, 2021

(Originally published on PMWorld 360 Magazine)

In my career, I’ve been fortunate to maximize my value on both sides of the project management office (PMO) solution space. As a...

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A Beginnerā€™s Guide to Project Management Offices (PMOs) jan schiller pmo Mar 03, 2021

Project management office…project office…enterprise center of excellence…project control group…project support office. Ever wonder what a project management office (PMO)...

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Write Every Email as if it will be Read in a Court of Law chris kopp legal professional development strategy Feb 27, 2021

One thing I’ve learned over the years is to type every email as if it will be read in a court of law. In those uncomfortable situations when the bottom falls out of a business...

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Know What You Want Your PMO to be When it Grows Up jan schiller pmo Feb 24, 2021


Think past your first objective for your project management office (PMO) to your second and third objectives. Spend adequate time considering the evolution of your organization and how your...

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Choosing the right approach to scale your organisation with Agile agile fatimah abbouchi leadership strategy Feb 21, 2021

We focus a lot of our energy on how an organisation can go Agile and how we, as an enabler, can help your organisation to apply the appropriate support and governance layers to Project Management,...

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Fatal PMO Misconceptions jan schiller pmo Feb 18, 2021

Despite your best-laid plans, communications and focus on delivering value, misconceptions about your project management office (PMO) can exist about nearly every aspect of the PMO. Don’t let...

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Avoid Pervasive PMO Pitfalls by Paying Attention jan schiller pmo Feb 17, 2021

Establishing and growing a project management office (PMO) will require all of your powers of observation.  Five areas should have your PMO’s attention.

Culture. There are entire books,...

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Top 5 Organizations with Certifications to lead a Global Office of Project and Product Management in 2021 abhishek mishra agile certifications pmo professional development Feb 11, 2021

In the first part, we have recommended that every professional involved in project and product management needs to continually reinvent, evolve and enhance their profile to consolidate their...

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PMO Certification and the PMOfficer Roadmap in 2021 abhishek mishra certifications ppm solutions professional development Feb 10, 2021

We all know what PMO means (or not!) And when I ask my friends and colleagues by profession, they always have a standard answer like: "Project Management Office," "Portfolio Management Office,"...

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Lesson Learned During a Chicken Dinner chris kopp leadership professional development Feb 09, 2021

“Who doesn’t know that…?” I thought to myself as the speaker presented his first point at a PMI project management event. 

I took a bite of my chicken. 


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The Project Recovery Process ā€“ How do you turn a project around? bill dow project management Feb 09, 2021

One of the hardest things to do when you are deep into managing a project is to see precisely when it is going off the rails. Meaning, you are so busy working the project day-to-day that it could...

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The Best Way to Define Your PMO Projectā€™s Footprint jan schiller pmo Feb 08, 2021

You have just been selected to manage that big, important corporate project: establish a project management office (PMO). You realize the project’s charter is nowhere to be found. How do you...

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Strategic Customer-centric PMO - A Must Have! fola alabi leadership pmo strategy Feb 05, 2021

The Project management discipline has provided the ethos for delivering projects. As an enabler, the Project Management Office (PMO) has acted as the governance body ensuring adherence to the...

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PMO Trends in 2021 a Collection from the Industry joe pusz pmo project management Feb 03, 2021

Each year we see predictions or trends to observe in the coming year.  This is popular in most, if not all, industries.  We even see this in professional sports and entertainment....

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