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The PMO Leader Blog

Traits of a PMO Leader jason orloske leadership pmo professional development project management Apr 10, 2023

Congratulations! You're a PMO Leader! Welcome to a challenging, dynamic world where you get to delivery strategic value all while having a target on your back. Good times!

Being a PMO leader has...

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How to Drive Employee Engagement for Your Remote Team communication leadership pmo sasi dharan teams Feb 23, 2022

Remote work hasn’t just changed the way we work. It has also fundamentally redefined employee engagement. While it was in the periphery earlier, the pandemic has institutionalized it, with...

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A Guide to Rating Employees on Annual Performance Reviews careers chris kopp communication leadership project management Feb 15, 2022

I walked into my manager’s office with a bit of a swagger and a smug look. “Everything for this week is done,” I said. “All project plans have been updated, the...

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PMO Leadership – Educators, Mentors and Trainers leadership project management ruffin veal iii Feb 07, 2022

As PMO management, our PMO organizations are only as strong and competent as those who report to us. 

In addition to our executive management responsibilities, we are now called upon to be...

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How can we achieve sustainability when managing projects? cora ppm leadership philip martin ppm solutions project management sustainability Jan 31, 2022

Cora CEO Philip Martin examines what organizations need to do in order to deliver projects in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

The recent COP26 conference in Glasgow has...

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3 Ways to Reduce Friction When People Work with Your PMO chris kopp leadership pmo project management Jan 03, 2022

In a previous article we asked, How Much Friction Does Your PMO Generate?  The net of the article was that people come to your PMO because they want to transition from their current state to a...

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Project Management Trends in 2022 agile jason orloske leadership pmo project management Dec 01, 2021

The project management industry continues to evolve. Traditional responsibilities of a project professional continue to be blurred. In our hybrid reality of remote teams and short-staffed...

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How Much Friction Does Your PMO Generate? chris kopp leadership pmo project management strategy Nov 29, 2021

Videos from the cockpit of the space shuttle re-entering Earth’s atmosphere are amazing! As the shuttle reduces its speed, 'kinetic friction,' the resistance created by two objects sliding...

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Are You Falling Victim to Annual Performance Review "Bait"​? careers chris kopp leadership Oct 25, 2021

Movies that appear to be produced for the sole purpose of Academy Award nomination are called “Oscar Bait.” One strategy of movie producers in this genre is to release the film late in...

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Five Ways to Make Your PMO More Customer-Centric leadership meisterplan pmo project management Sep 24, 2021

We’ve all heard the adage, “the customer is always right.” If you’ve ever worked in customer service, this phrase might make you want to roll your eyes, but the sentiment at...

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Creating a Collaborative Project Team Environment - PMBOK 3.2 jason orloske leadership pmo project management teams Sep 17, 2021

"Project teams are made up of individuals who wield diverse skills, knowledge, and experience. Project teams that work collaboratively can accomplish a shared objective more effectively and...

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The Principles of Being a Good Steward - PMBOK 3.1 jason orloske leadership professional development project management Sep 08, 2021

"Stewards act responsibly to carry out activities with integrity, care, and trustworthiness while maintaining compliance with internal and external guidelines. They demonstrate a broad commitment...

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How to Virtually Manage Remote Teams during Pandemic communication leadership pmo project management strategy syed qasim abbas Sep 05, 2021

Well, it has been more than a year or so, I have been managing & leading my team remotely. Below is a summary of my experience, the challenges I faced & How I overcame them.


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The First Question to Ask Yourself When Something Goes Off the Rails careers chris kopp leadership pmo project management Jul 19, 2021

I once worked for a fellow who had a big job; as in, multiple departments and tons of people rolled up to him. His phone never stopped ringing, and in the constant flow of text messages and email...

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Is Your PMO Leadership A Solid "Safety Bar"? jason orloske leadership pmo project management Jun 17, 2021

"Our PMO is like riding a roller coaster where the safety bar meant to keep you from flying out works about 50% of the time...or less."

The advantage of presenting and being a panelist at...

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