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The PMO Leader Blog

My PMO Can Beat Up Your PMO: A Tale of 2 Defunct Departments & Why PMO's Fail jason orloske pmo strategy Apr 04, 2021

A couple years ago, back when we could have in-person events, I attended a local PMI presentation on process and experience mapping. It was informative with engaging exercises and great...

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What is Your PMO's "Marketing Plan" jason orloske pmo project management strategy Mar 30, 2021

One of my first PMO managers had an Actuary background. His previous job had been to predict timing of certain events (in this case, a health plan calculating participant life expectancy), and then...

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Are You Able To Sleep Through A Storm? chris kopp pmo professional development project management strategy Mar 25, 2021

What qualities are necessary for a Project Manager to be successful? Leadership, organization, and being detail-oriented all come to mind. However, for a Project Manager to be truly...

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Write Every Email as if it will be Read in a Court of Law chris kopp legal professional development strategy Feb 27, 2021

One thing I’ve learned over the years is to type every email as if it will be read in a court of law. In those uncomfortable situations when the bottom falls out of a business...

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Choosing the right approach to scale your organisation with Agile agile fatimah abbouchi leadership strategy Feb 21, 2021

We focus a lot of our energy on how an organisation can go Agile and how we, as an enabler, can help your organisation to apply the appropriate support and governance layers to Project Management,...

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Strategic Customer-centric PMO - A Must Have! fola alabi leadership pmo strategy Feb 05, 2021

The Project management discipline has provided the ethos for delivering projects. As an enabler, the Project Management Office (PMO) has acted as the governance body ensuring adherence to the...

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